PSP Power Switch

I find the power switch on the PSP pretty confusing. When it is off I have no idea as to whether it is in standby mode or if it has been fully turned off. You see, the designers made the switch do both depending on how long you hold the switch up for. So a quick push up means it gets put into standby...eating up battery but giving quicker playback...and holding it for 2 secs puts the whole machine off.
Why they couldn't have a small switch at the back to make sure the user knows its switched off I do not know. With a different button the user would be able to understand exactly what is going on when they switch off the system. Actually to tell you the truth when I first got the PSP...I assumed that switching it off just involved switching the power switch up once. I didn't know how to switch it off properly...till I read it in the manual.
Oh yeh...they have no hibernate feature on the PSP as far as I am aware. I'm guessing they don't want to support something which involves writing huge files to the Memory Stick...they would probably have to copy over the whole RAM and CPU stacks...too much of a risk I guess for a handheld console. Plus if the battery happens to die while it is in standby then tough lose your game position. I think they should update the firmware to allow hibernate for people with 1gb mem sticks...It probably wouldn't be too difficult to implement..and on top of that the mem sticks are pretty fast.
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