Pro Evo 5 for PSP
An interesting review in the Guardian Blog on the new upcoming Pro Evo 5 for the PSP (3 days remaining) . It discusses the technical problems of the game (since it is new for the PSP) but in general is quite positive. To quote the flaws that are highlighted: -
PES on the PS2 has proven time and time again how good it is both as a single player game (master-league + realistic CPU) and as a multi-player game (playing knockout cups etc). The one thing that brings in down slightly is the random player names (Orange 1, Orange 2, Orange 3.... rofl) and the lackluster commentary. They need to get in Motty and Gray. That would liven the thing up.
N e howz...will still prob buy after I get a PSP...since this is the game I can play multi-player over wireless with other people I know (Billy u ready for some action ;) )
Billy = Bilal Dukandar let's see if Google picks this one up ;)
Update : GamesRadar says there is no commentary for the PSP?? That sure is strange...can you play music instead then?
There are other flaws too - the widest camera angle doesn't offer quite enough view to fully measure your through-balls, while loading times and occasional slowdown are a pain. Also, criminally, there isn't a master league option, which will disappoint the die-hards.Not having a master league takes out a lot of the fun from this version in my opinion. This is one of the keys to PES's success for single player mode. Since the PSP on the whole is more a single player console (its after all a handheld console) this may prove to be fatal for this version. Let's hope they release a new version soon containing the master league too.
But it's the controls that annoy the most, with many promising situations thwarted by the stodgy controller or shoulder buttons rather than the opposition. [emphasis mine]
PES on the PS2 has proven time and time again how good it is both as a single player game (master-league + realistic CPU) and as a multi-player game (playing knockout cups etc). The one thing that brings in down slightly is the random player names (Orange 1, Orange 2, Orange 3.... rofl) and the lackluster commentary. They need to get in Motty and Gray. That would liven the thing up.
N e howz...will still prob buy after I get a PSP...since this is the game I can play multi-player over wireless with other people I know (Billy u ready for some action ;) )
Billy = Bilal Dukandar let's see if Google picks this one up ;)
Update : GamesRadar says there is no commentary for the PSP?? That sure is strange...can you play music instead then?
Google did pick it up, hahahahaha
Anonymous, at Tue Dec 13, 12:15:00 am
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