PSP fun

The PSP to me looks like the ultimate portable media device but I guess Sony being uptight like they always are don't want users to run away and do what they want with their hardware. I mean how can a company try to stifle innovation which in the long run would lead to more sales due to a greater amount of interest and a wider base of people's needs/wants/lusts being met. If they don't want people to run home-brew code that's understandable since from there stems the root of piracy...but they should at the very least give developers some sort of API to play with so that useful (i.e. stuff that applies to non-hardcore gamers) applications can be written for it.
The way Apple have branded the iPod to basically appeal to non-hardcore music fans illustrates the point of how marketing can be done to change a geek need to a consumer want. Think about the iPod in the most basic terms...if I said to you 5 years ago that you will in 5 years time have a device in your pocket capable of storing 15,000 songs or 25,000 photos you would have laughed and said...why the hell would someone want to carry their entire collection with them. However, Apple have done their marketing right and now people seriously think they need 40gb or 60gb to carry round with them. Realistically 2-3 gb is more than fine for the amount of time between access to a computer. Sony need to learn...they have the technical prowess to take on any company...they lack the ability to collaborate between departments to create the necessary synergies to give the consumer what they want...or to create a want.
I will write a small review...when I manage to get hold of one. Until then, like the rest of the guys/gals I think I'll just drool...
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