Over the weekend I finally managed to take the plunge and get my domain hosted. As of now the
Utills.com has a place on the net, but so far I've kept it to forward the URL to this present location. However, I have installed Wordpress 1.5 on the server and configured it so that all my previous posts written here (except the very latest ones) have been imported with comments over to the new site. I used a
brilliant script by Andy Skelton to import all of the files across along with a screenshot based
tutorial written by Catsudon.
The Wordpress blog currently resides at
www.utills.com/blog but so far I have left it at the default template. I plan to make a few design logos and templates which I'll try to put online until I settle on one that I am happy with. However, it looks like my Uni work will only allow me to work on it on Wednesdays and in the weekend since I am pretty much tied up with all the traveling and the assignments I need to do over the semester.
The host used is called
CobraHosts and has a nice basic package of 50Mb Webspace and 2Gb traffic which should be more than enough for my purposes. The cost is pretty low also ($1 a month) and so it should be good for the short term while I learn my trade. On the horizon for me is learning PHP and MySQL to do general web functionality stuff, and XHTML + CSS + Javascript to learn how to improve on the display and usability aspect of web design.
A few of the logos I've come up with so far :-
A few menus that I've drawn :-
I need to start designing some simple templates and look into ways in which I can enhance the functionality provided on the blog as well as on the other sections I will introduce over time. One of the things that I would like to implement is to load the comments section through AJAX without needing to do any refresh. Also it might be an idea to add a "Add Comment" link which also works through AJAX so that any comments can be added without doing refreshes.
I guess as I get used to the web design world I will improve my skills and generate better ideas. For the time being just think of me as a programmer in a designer's world.