Utills Thoughts and Ideas

Thursday, December 01, 2005

All the official Google Blogs in one place

Philipp Lenssen over at Google Blogoscoped has posted a page and a feed that collects all of the offical Google blogs in one place. So far he has Blogger Buzz, Google Video, Inside AdSense, Inside AdWords, Inside Google Desktop, Google Blog, Google Base Blog, Matt Cutts SEO/Google related posts, Adwords API Blog, Google Reader, Google Code and Google TalkAbout.

It's an excellent idea since people like me who dont want to visit lots of different places can just go to one central location and get all of the news that I want. Note that currently the posts are out of order...but as of now only the latest posts will be appearing and so they will be in the correct order.

It would be good if he was able to generate a custom feed which generates a page depending on what blogs you want to read. I don't mean just the official Google product blogs but also some of the Google employees who blog about a certain product. For example, just say I don't want to read about Google Desktop but instead I want to read Fury.com by Kevin Fox then it should be able to generate a page that contains all of my blogs of preference possibly from his very own compiled list.

In terms of the URL to bookmark, the system could generate a special hash that refers to a specific combination of blogs. That hash would be stored in the database and a script would take the hash and go out and bring the necessary posts and then generate a HTML page. Of course the posts would probably need to be stored in the database too so that they are only parsed once from the RSS and all other times are just got straight from the database.


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